Easy installation with worker’s token
Managing ASICs has become straightforward and efficient. For detailed instructions and further information, refer to the ASIC Hub section on the
installation page
Create an account
Easy Installation for small farms and huge locations
Fully organized control and monitoring
Organize your workers into clusters that replicate the physical location of your devices. You can use container numbers, hangar numbers, racks, rooms, types of rigs or ASIC, etc. as clusters names. Work with each cluster as with one solid unit.
- All-important real-time information and activities on the very first screen.
- Browse through your list of workers and have a total overview of your mining activity.
- Actions with multiple units. Select one or more workers and make actions or updates.
- Search your devices by ID, worker’s name, wallet name, coin, miner or tag. Use multiple filters.
- Create your own tags with our Tag menu. You can identify and filter your devices with one or more tags.
- Use our RaveOS App (Android, iOS) to monitor, manage and quick react to any situation.
- Web notifications.
- Email notifications.
- Telegram bot (coming soon).
Statistics, reports and Wallet management
Statistics and reports
- Monitor workers and farm stats.
- Create monthly, weekly or daily reports for your workers and farm. Keep track of electricity consumption based on tariffs.
Wallet management
- Create and manage wallets with ease: add coins, pools, miners.
- Group wallets. Default coins. Modifying wallet on the fly. Apply changes for group of workers or clusters in few clicks.
- Huge list of mining pools, coins and miners. Our team is constantly monitoring updates of miners and releases of the new profitable coins.
Monitoring of all-important worker’s info: temperature, hashrate, shares, tuning settings.
A wide range of GPU settings to reach most optimal performance: core clock, voltage, memory, fan speeds and more.
Remote access to your device from anywhere using Console.
Built-in GPU error detection.
Autofan and manual fan control.
Mining boosters: RX boost, AMDMemtweak.
ASIC overclocking and downvolt (on RaveOS firmware)
Devices management and overclocking
Mobile app
- Try our mobile app “MyRaveOS”. It gives you the opportunity to monitor, manage and quick react to any situation. It is FREE!
- MyRaveOS app from our partner.
Custom mining and White Label
Custom mining
- Add your own coins, pools and miners.
White Label
Customizable branding (White Label) and full support. Make your own design and sell the product under your own brand. Mail us
[email protected]
Stability secure, and Overclocking Profiles
Overclocking Profiles
- Save your time and get maximum equipment performance! Add tuning settings for all of your GPUs in one place and apply it to whole location.
- Switching between mining algorithms has become even faster, you no longer need to change the tuning settings for each rig, do it in few clicks. OC Profiles allows you to create profiles for specific mining algorithms and apply them automatically.
Managing your account
- Two factor authentication (2FA)
- Grant access. Trusted accounts for administrators and clients. You can assign them different permissions to manage different parts of your data.
- Our own Linux build, not based on Debian / Ubuntu.
24/7 customer support. Join us in social media (Telegram, Bitcointalk). Contact us:
[email protected].
Our team will be happy to help you in case of difficulties.